TotalMarker... a combination of all my marker file generators. It allows the showing of the following Earthquakes, Volcanos, Storms, Satellites, Eclipses, Update Label, Other Things These Links take you to the config section for the part of the program, How to run the program. Additions that TotalMarker has over the stand alone apart form size can be found here.


The Program uses a ini file that is created when it is first run. Also on the first run the program creates a database that is used for eclipse data. This is so that very time its run it doesn't have to go and get this large ammount of data.

So just put TotalMarker in your Xplanet directory and run it. It will then write the files that it requires.

The ini file is the thing that holds all the infomation. The file defaults to what is below.

Alaskan Earthquakes

QuakeDetailColorMin=Green This is a quick way to tell how damaging the quake is, the text changes between the colours depending on the magnitude of the earthquake. Other options are any colour listed in RGB.txt

QuakeDetailColorInt=Yellow See QuakeDetailColorMin. Other options are any colour listed in RGB.txt

QuakeDetailColorMax=Red See QuakeDetailColorMin. Other options are any colour listed in RGB.txt

QuakeDetailAlign=Above Where the text is written in relation to the position of the earthquake. Above,Below,Left,Right,Center

QuakeCircleColor=Multi Any Colour listed in RGB.txt or Multi which changes the colour on the magnitude

QuakePixelMax= See QuakePixelMin. Any number

QuakePixelMin= Any number as long as it is smaller than Max number. This is really here so that fixed circles can be produced if you want to do that. Just put the same value in for both min and max

QuakePixelFactor=1 This is a magnitification factor so it will accept any number ie 0.9 will desrease the size of the circle 1.1 will increase it. 1 doesn't change it.

QuakeImageList= An image file that is supported.

QuakeImageTransparent= Any colour in {X,Y,Z} notiation

QuakeDetailList=<mag>You can use anything here. Keywords are:<time>,<date>,<mag>,<location>,<quality>,<lat>,<long> and <depth> eg. Quake happened @ <time> <location> and was a magnitude <mag>.

QuakeDetailColor=Multi Sets the Text colour, Accepts anycolour listed in RGB or Multi, where it uses the top three items.

Earthquakes and Volcanos

VolcanoCircleSizeInner=4 This is the size of the inner circle for a volcano size is in pixels

VolcanoCircleSizeMiddle=8 This is the size in pixels of the middle circle

VolcanoCircleSizeOuter=12 This is the pixel size of the largest circle

VolcanoCircleColorInner=Yellow This is the colour of the inner circle, it will accept any color in RGB.txt

VolcanoCircleColorMiddle=Red This is the colour if the middle circle, it will accept any color in RGB.txt

VolcanoCircleColorOuter=Brown This is the colour of the outer circle, it will accept any color in RGB.txt

VolcanoNameOnOff=On By default the name of the volcano will be listed, the other value is Off

VolcanoNameColor=Brown The colour of the text the name is written in

VolcanoNameAlign=Below Where the name is wrtten in relation to the volcano. It will accept Above,Below,Right, Left and Center

VolcanoImageList= If you want to use an image list it here

VolcanoImageTransparent= Any colour in {X,Y,Z} notiation

VolcanoDetailList= Any text you want to appear, Key words are <lat>,<long>,<name>,<elev>, so you could say <name> has started eurpting at <elev>m.

VolcanoDetailAlign=Where the detail is written in relation to the volcano. It will accept Above,Below,Right, Left and Center

VolcanoDetailColor= The text colour for the detail, it will accept nay colour listed in RGB.txt

Active Volcanos near S. America

StormColorTrackReal=Blue The colour of the track that the storm has been along, it accepts any colour listed in RGB.txt

StormColorTrackPrediction=SkyBlue The colour of the track its excepted along, it accepts any colour listed in RGB.txt

StormNameOnOff=On The name of the storm, the other value is Off

StormColorName=SkyBlue The colour of the text that the name is written in, it accepts the colours listed in RGB.txt

StormAlignName=Above The postion of the text in relation to the storm position, it accepts Above,Below,Left,Right,Center

StormDetailList=<type> The text you want to appear by the storm. keywords are <type>,<lat>,<long>,<name>,<speed>. eg Storm <name> is <type>.

StormColorDetail=SkyBlue The text colour of the detail. it will accept the the colours listed in RGB.txt

StormAlignDetail=Below The position of the detail in relation to the storm position

StormImageList= If you want to use an image put it here

StormImageTransparent= Any colour in {X,Y,Z} notiation

StormTrackOnOff=On The track part of the storm other value is Off

Satellites and Storms

NoradIssImage=iss.png This uses the image surplied with xplanet

NoradIssText= If you want a label with the orbit put it here

NoradIssDetail=transparent={0,0,0} trail={orbit,-5,0,5} color=yellow altcirc=0 trail={orbit,-10,0,5} This is any of the options like trails put them here

NoradIssOnOff=On Show the International Space Station, On or Off

NoradHstImage=hst.png This needs an image downloaded for it.

NoradHstText= If you want a label with the orbit put it here

NoradHstDetail=transparent={0,0,0} This is any of the options like trails put them here

NoradHstOnOff=On Show the Hubble Space Telescope, On or Off

NoradStsImage=sts.png This uses the image surplied with xplanet

NoradStsText= If you want a label with the orbit put it here

NoradStsDetail=transparent={0,0,0} This is any of the options like trails put them here

NoradStsOnOff=On Show the Space Shuttle, On or Off

NoradSatImage=sat.png This needs an image downloaded for it.

NoradSatText= If you want a label with the orbit put it here

NoradSatDetail=transparent={0,0,0} This is any of the options like trails put them here

NoradSatOnOff=On Show the satellite the Shuttle is meeting, On or Off

NoradMiscOnOff=Off Show other space craft, On or Off

NoradTleNumbers= List the numbers (upto 5) with a space between them, to get them shown. eg 12345 23456 34567. The numbers can be looked up from tm.tle after TotalMarker -norad has been run. Any images must have the same name as the TLE number and be gif files. If there is a demand for this to be removed then I will change it.

NoradMiscDetail= The Detail that can be added for the TLE's listed above.

STS joins ISS

LabelOnOff=On Turn UpdateLabel On or Off

LabelWarningQuake=84600 The number of seconds since last update before the Label changes the colour of the earthquake label. Default is 3 hours

LabelWarningVolcano=604800 The number of seconds since last update before the Label changes the colour of the volcano label. Default is 1 week

LabelWarningStorm=86400 The number of seconds since last update before the Label changes the colour of the storm label. Default is 3 hours

LabelWarningNorad=604800 The number of seconds since last update before the Label changes the colour of the Norad label. Default is 1 week

LabelWarningCloud=21600 The number of seconds since last update before the Label changes the colour of the cloud label. Default is 6 hours

LabelColorOk=Green The colour when the data is up to date

LabelColorWarn=Yellow The colour when the data has failed to update

LabelColorError=Red The colour when the data is out of date.

UpdateLabel in Action

EclipseOnOff=On If you don't want to have eclipses on your xplanet turn it Off

EclipseNotifyOnOff=On This is used to give 36 hours notice to an eclipse. Again if you don't want it turn it Off

EasterEggSurprises=On This has to be added to the ini file and switched to Off, to remove the surprise. This is here just so that you can turn it off. All the easter egg does is add to a marker file once a year.

Assuming that you aren't afraid of the ini file, I will say that the default will suit most people.
Total Marker Version
Windows 1.3.1
1.24 MB
Unix 1.3.1
1.16 MB

I have compiled the unix binaries for Linux, if you are having problems I will compile for other versions of Unix, just email me with the distribution of your choice.

How to Use the Program

The program is run using switches ie TotalMarker -norad will update the norad infomation. I have done it like this becasue while you could update all the infomation at one time, it would be piontless. The Volcano infomation only updates on a Wednesday so cheaking it every 20 minutes along with the earthquakes, just stops a speedy responce for everyone else.
Total Marker Switches
What needs adding to the command line
Recogmended Update Interval
-satfile tm
Once a day should be fine
-markerfile storm -greatarcfile storm
Every 3 Hours
Used with UpdateLabel
Every 6 Hours when you update the cloud image.
-markerfile volcano
Once a week on a Wednesday
-markerfile quake
Every 20 minutes
Eclipse is set from ini file
-markerfile eclipse -greatarcfile eclipse
Runs when ever any of the others are run.
UpdateLabel is set form the ini file
-markerfile updatelabel
Runs when ever any of the others are run

So its just a case of adding the switch(s) to the xplanet command line and then setting Totalmarker to run from a scheduled job. Then forget about it. :)

Improvements in 1.3.1

the main changes between the stand alones and TotalMarker are:-

Norad - if it can't find the right image it will default to the default images, if it can't find them it will download it, if it can.

Eclipse - I think I have fixed the GMT/Local Issue.

If you have any comments about these pages then please E-Mail Me.
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