Alaskan Earthquakes

QuakeDetailColorMin=Green This is a quick way to tell how damaging the quake is, the text changes between the colours depending on the magnitude of the earthquake. Other options are any colour listed in RGB.txt

QuakeDetailColorInt=Yellow See QuakeDetailColorMin. Other options are any colour listed in RGB.txt

QuakeDetailColorMax=Red See QuakeDetailColorMin. Other options are any colour listed in RGB.txt

QuakeDetailAlign=Above Where the text is written in relation to the position of the earthquake. Above,Below,Left,Right,Center

QuakeCircleColor=Multi Any Colour listed in RGB.txt or Multi which changes the colour on the magnitude

QuakePixelMax= See QuakePixelMin. Any number

QuakePixelMin= Any number as long as it is smaller than Max number. This is really here so that fixed circles can be produced if you want to do that. Just put the same value in for both min and max

QuakePixelFactor=1 This is a magnitification factor so it will accept any number ie 0.9 will desrease the size of the circle 1.1 will increase it. 1 doesn't change it.

QuakeImageList= An image file that is supported.

QuakeImageTransparent= Any colour in {X,Y,Z} notiation

QuakeDetailList=<mag>You can use anything here. Keywords are:<time>,<date>,<mag>,<location>,<quality>,<lat>,<long> and <depth> eg. Quake happened @ <time> <location> and was a magnitude <mag>.

QuakeDetailColor=Multi Sets the Text colour, Accepts anycolour listed in RGB or Multi, where it uses the top three items.