Active Volcanos near S. America

VolcanoCircleSizeInner=4 This is the size of the inner circle for a volcano size is in pixels

VolcanoCircleSizeMiddle=8 This is the size in pixels of the middle circle

VolcanoCircleSizeOuter=12 This is the pixel size of the largest circle

VolcanoCircleColorInner=Yellow This is the colour of the inner circle, it will accept any color in RGB.txt

VolcanoCircleColorMiddle=Red This is the colour if the middle circle, it will accept any color in RGB.txt

VolcanoCircleColorOuter=Brown This is the colour of the outer circle, it will accept any color in RGB.txt

VolcanoNameOnOff=On By default the name of the volcano will be listed, the other value is Off

VolcanoNameColor=Brown The colour of the text the name is written in

VolcanoNameAlign=Below Where the name is wrtten in relation to the volcano. It will accept Above,Below,Right, Left and Center

VolcanoImageList= If you want to use an image list it here

VolcanoImageTransparent= Any colour in {X,Y,Z} notiation

VolcanoDetailList= Any text you want to appear, Key words are <lat>,<long>,<name>,<elev>, so you could say <name> has started eurpting at <elev>m.

VolcanoDetailAlign=Where the detail is written in relation to the volcano. It will accept Above,Below,Right, Left and Center

VolcanoDetailColor= The text colour for the detail, it will accept nay colour listed in RGB.txt