LabelOnOff=On Turn UpdateLabel On or Off

LabelWarningQuake=84600 The number of seconds since last update before the Label changes the colour of the earthquake label. Default is 3 hours

LabelWarningVolcano=604800 The number of seconds since last update before the Label changes the colour of the volcano label. Default is 1 week

LabelWarningStorm=86400 The number of seconds since last update before the Label changes the colour of the storm label. Default is 3 hours

LabelWarningNorad=604800 The number of seconds since last update before the Label changes the colour of the Norad label. Default is 1 week

LabelWarningCloud=21600 The number of seconds since last update before the Label changes the colour of the cloud label. Default is 6 hours

LabelColorOk=Green The colour when the data is up to date

LabelColorWarn=Yellow The colour when the data has failed to update

LabelColorError=Red The colour when the data is out of date.

UpdateLabel in Action

EclipseOnOff=On If you don't want to have eclipses on your xplanet turn it Off

EclipseNotifyOnOff=On This is used to give 36 hours notice to an eclipse. Again if you don't want it turn it Off

EasterEggSurprises=On This has to be added to the ini file and switched to Off, to remove the surprise. This is here just so that you can turn it off. All the easter egg does is add to a marker file once a year.